What links LSM with Woodhall Spa, Milan and Missing Gnomes?

Answer is Colin Reiners, our Principal Lecturer in Media Production!

ColinReiners_WoodhallSpa_2You see he lives in Woodhall Spa and Colin’s creative images of rural Lincolnshire life formed a photographic tour, which is being showcased throughout Italy. His exhibition ‘Gnome Thieves Attack Woodhall Spa’ started last year in Pontremoli, continued with a successful tour around Italy to Milan. Colin said: “The opening attracted people from as far away as Florence, and even a bemused visitor from Boston, Lincolnshire!” Unsurprisingly (this week when the exhibition comes to a close but has been on track in Milan’s railway!) missing gnomes and Colin’s images that captured Woodhall Spa’s community are still hitting headlines abroad and in Colin’s home patch. 

From Horncastle News: A missing garden gnome is raising the profile of a Lincolnshire village in a city over 1,000 miles away.  Continue reading

Congrats! Audio Production’s Alice Asbury Wins Excellence Award

Well done from all at LSM to Year 1 Audio Production student Alice Asbury who received the University of Lincoln’s scholarship award


from Alice’s mum

The Excellence Scholarship recognised Alice’s outstanding academic achievement.  She attained the highest amount of tariff points in one sitting during her BTEC Extended Diploma in Music. Alice’s accomplishment put her in the category of ‘the highest achieving new undergraduate students joining the institution.’

Lincoln School of Media’s Alice was one of nine first year students, from across the University’s Colleges, to get an Excellence Scholarship from the Vice Chancellor Professor Mary Stuart: “Scholarships represents a very special moment for us all here at the University of Lincoln, when we acknowledge the successes of our newest undergraduate students.”

20 Years of Media ‘Best Bits’ Video for LSM Degree Show

My name is Rachel Robinson. I am a third year Media Production student currently helping to organise the LSM Degree Show on 28th May. We want to contact past students in the hope of putting together a video compilation of 20 Years of Media at the Lincoln School of Media.

20-years-media-graduates-logoGrads please send work you created as a media student for a reel of ‘best bits’. We need a range of work – design, audio, photography, script, film & video – across all media genres! Email:


Update: Media Culture 2020 European Programme

MC2020_Latvia_NewYear2013Find out what 9 Lincoln School of Media students and 2 lecturers got up to in Latvia when they completed the 2nd edition of Media Culture 2020.  It is an innovative EU-funded programme designed to explore new modes of collaborative teaching & learning. Here’s an update from LSM’s Martyn Thayne and Graham Cooper:

The main objective of the Erasmus Intensive Programme was to break down classroom and campus walls by creating an open learning environment, where students from different countries and fields could explore and learn together. The multi-disciplinary project featured five universities from across Europe, including Lincoln, the University of Vic (Spain/Catalonia), Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Liepaja University (Latvia), and HKU Hilversum (Netherlands). In addition to the delivery of a number of interactive, online workshops, the project culminated in a two-week intensive programme hosted by Liepaja University, Latvia.

Video Produced by The CakeTakers

Continue reading

Pledges Please! Support Wall Breaker to make ‘The Fisherman’

Wall Breaker-logo1LSM’s Level 3 project group Wall Breaker Productions need your support to make a short film ‘The Fisherman’.  It has a Kickstarter campaign with the goal to raise £950 (which’ll be added to the £1,000 in the Wall Breaker’s pot). The indie is nearly there – just need £330 by 10 March!  You can pledge a donation as little as £1 and find out more about what the monies raised will be used for HERE.

 The Wall Breaker production teamContinue reading

WATCH & VOTE for your Favourite Film: DONE IN 60 SECONDS

jamesonempiredonein60secondsIt’ll only take 20 minutes to watch twenty 1-minute films and then vote for your favourite entry in the ‘Done in 60 Seconds‘ shorts! Heads up from Sarah Barrow is that from hundreds of submissions, 2 of the 20 shortlisted are from LSM graduates: Entry 7 ‘There will be Bitter’ by Ross McGowan and Entry 15 ‘Super Size Me’ by Joseph Fallon (and Jonathan Sankey). At least the first one has input from LSM students, like Year 3 Tom Anderson.  Here’s what the organisers at Jameson Empire Awards 2014 said:

The challenge was clear: remake a classic (or not-so-classic) film in no more than one minute. Hundreds of people slaved away on their mini-masterpieces, and our panel of judges has chosen the 20 best UK entries… But now the buck passes to you! We need you to watch the lot – and choose your favourite. WATCH all shorts and VOTE now! 

Entry 7 ‘There will be Bitter’ 

 Entry 15 ‘Super Size Me’  Continue reading

Warner Bros. Insider’s View by Warner’s Ex-Senior Vice President

TOMORROW as part of LSM’s 20 Anniversary you’re invited to former Warner Bros. Senior Vice President and our Visiting Professor Rick Senat’s unique perspective on ‘Warner Bros. An Illustrated History.’ Rick’s a partner at literary agency The Blair Partnership, which manages J.K. Rowling, the Harry Potter films & brand and currently working on the BBC TV’s series of The Casual Vacancy. Rick has forty years in the entertainment industry from Vice-chair at the British Film Institute to Director at revived Hammer Film Productions and the Soho Theatre.

Rick Senat on IMDb“My current board positions include Cineworld plc, Bank Leumi (UK) plc and I am Chair of the London Film Museum. While at Warner I was associated with many outstanding films, filmmakers and film franchises including the extraordinary Harry Potter series. It was at Warner that I met Neil Blair and my joining him and his team at The Blair Partnership marks a business and personal step which is both challenging and enormously rewarding.”


From Sarah Barrow, Head of LSM: Tomorrow, Rick will be presenting his wonderful insider view of the history of Warner Brothers, with amazing clips cut from the original negatives: For LSM students only who’ve booked places 2pm-5pm in MC2201. Then in the Jackson Lecture Theatre 6pm-9pm, ALL WELCOME. No need to book! Continue reading

Meet the Graduates – Thank You!

MtG2014_12FEBThanks to our graduates, students and staff for a good time today at LSM ‘Meet the Graduates’ event.

Looking forward to your stories and capture of MtG 2014 … In the meantime, we’re liking the tweets @LSMalumni

Don’t Miss! Meet LSM Graduates from Industry on 12 Feb 2014

Yay! Our informal networking event between our students and graduates is a great opportunity. Students you’ve got the date, so turn up and don’t miss your place! Graduates you can RSVP: alumni@lincoln.ac.uk

Media poster Navy Blue copy

‘Meet the Graduates’ marks 20 years of media at the LSM. Around thirty alumni will join us from the nineties to now. Graduates who’re industry professionals will share their tips & experiences on 12th Feb, EMMTEC theatre: 2pm Question & Answer session then a chance for individual chats – superb social networking!

Sarah Barrow, Head of LSM, said: “Celebrate with us in style! Currently the media and creative industries are the ‘economic powerhouse’ of the UK, according to the latest official reports. Lincoln School of Media is in the top 4 for employability (out of over 90 media courses) in the UK.

Work Experience – Is It Worth It? By LSM Student Gemma Benefer

For those looking for jobs today, it’s a harsh world. You need experience but to even get the experience you need other experience and to get that experience you need a job. Not making much sense am I? But it is an endless loop.

Gemma Benefer_LSM_Jan2014To get work experience, you often need to do it for free. It can kind of suck, especially when other people you know are getting paid for having a “real job”, but you have to focus on what it would hopefully do in the long run. My work experience has already paid off and it kinda links to what I said before. There was an opportunity to work on the breakfast show at BBC Radio Lincolnshire during my second year at Uni. By this point, I was already volunteering at Siren FM. I applied, not really thinking I’d get it, but during my interview I was told that I wouldn’t have even gotten an interview if I hadn’t had any other work experience. So it just goes to show that to even get experience you still need other experience to get there.

It’s tough to get experience though, I’ll admit. A lot of the experience I have done is through sheer luck. I worked at Hollyoaks for a week because one of the Director’s was a family friend (and I honestly can’t thank him enough!) from there, I got the bug. Continue reading