Congratulations to Hannah Walsh and Samantha Fisher for being shortlisted for the Fujifilm/Penguin Student Award 2010. Hannah and Sam, as Merit winners, now go forward to the final judging where the overall winner will be chosen.

Hannah's book cover

Samantha's book cover
Congratulations also to Adam and Clementine who supported these students with their work.
As Merit winners Hannah and Samantha will receive one Penguin Classic paperback of their choice, a copy of the book “Ways of Seeing” and 10 rolls of Fujicolor Professional film in 35mm or 120.
The overall winner will be awarded the title of Fujifilm Student Photographer of the Year 2010. Subject to prior approval by Penguin Books Ltd, the winner may also have their photograph published on the front cover of the next edition of the Penguin Classic novel, “At Swim-Two-Birds” by Flann O’Brien. The overall winner will also win £250 worth of Fujifilm Professional film and 25 Penguin Classic titles of their choice.
Hannah and Samantha have been invited to attend the Fujifilm Student Awards ceremony. Their Merit winning image will also be re-printed at A3 size by competition sponsors Genesis Imaging and will be on display at the ceremony, which will take place on Friday 25th June from 7pm-9pm on the Tenth Floor of the Penguin office overlooking the Thames.
Good luck both!