Student Opportunities | Creative Careers Festival, 5-7 Feb 2018

CreativeCareersFest-poster-Feb2018University of Lincoln’s Creative Careers Festival 2018 from the 5th to 7th February has a range of student opportunities, and some events for recent grads, from selling Art online to creating colourful CVs and from graduate schemes to careers in digital media. Run by Careers and Employability in partnership with the College of Arts (CoA) the fest will offer events to the 6 Schools within the CoA, so LSFM students take a look at the sessions and book NOW! Here are some events:

  • Trip to the Royal Television Society TV Careers Fair
  • Freelance Media Creatives Panel
  • Publishing and Getting Published
  • Design Applications with England Golf
  • Making Online Portfolios
  • Talent Works – Careers in Creative Advertising and Media
  • How do I build a career in the entertainment industry?

A reminder about The Lincoln Award. Uni Careers said: The Lincoln Award will support you to develop your employability skills and learn how to demonstrate them to employers.  This 60 minute session will get you started, provide you with full activity details and you will also complete your Pathway Assessment during this session.  You don’t need to bring anything to this session – you will be given all materials and a Lincoln Award evidence booklet to use during your time on the award. Book at  

Please Note: Students can backdate activities you have completed since your first year at University of Lincoln to complete this award.