Tom Marshall
I’m only ‘in the industry’ in a small way at the moment!
I’ve set up as a sole trader making short films, photo editing etc but have only made a couple of trailers really and done photo work for a couple of companies. Aside from this I am trying to get a literary agent for my script writing and I’m working part time in a clothes shop so the media side is very much evenings and weekends for now. If you’d like a better idea of the work I’m doing please visit my website.
I’ve just entered a short film into the short film competition. It’s the featured film at the moment and because I’ve entered VERY late I need all the votes I can get! Please watch it now:
and vote here
The film is shot in the style of a Hollywood disaster trailer and is supposed to be a metaphor for the idea that whilst we see movies about the Earth being destroyed by comets, aliens etc, the fact is we’re destroying the Earth ourselves anyway for real.
CLOSING DATE 6 NOVEMBER 2009. Every vote counts!
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