I have been offered a job at London-based technology/IT news website www.V3.co.uk. It’s an absolutely brilliant first job to get, and it’s a highly-regarded news source in the industry, so I’m absolutely thrilled about it. It’s a 9 month maternity contract, but it’s a great step onto the ladder. I’ll be covering IT skills/education, social media and UK tech startups. I’ll also be producing much of the website’s video content.
It’s funny to look back on the chain of events which lead me to this point; from my initial decision to specialise in radio to deciding to go to ‘some meeting about an online radio station’, to the larger decision of taking an MA degree. Tiny choices such as going to guest lectures or covering stuff for SIREN have all taught me little things and introduced me to various people which, combined, have put me where I am right now.
The team of staff the uni have, from the friendly cleaning crew right up to senior management and everything in between have been brilliant. Previous posts.
Many congratulations Michael and thanks for all your hard work on Brayford Radio!