Lego book film competition

From Sarah Swindells, Octopus Publishing Group. We’ve published a book called Brick City: Lego for Grown Ups by Warren Elsmore. To celebrate it, we’re asking people to submit a short film or animation, under a minute long. The only condition is it has to have at least one Lego constructed building in it. This competition ends at midnight on the 30th June. We’ve extended the entire thing to allow people more time.

You can win some really cool stuff, too. First prize is £200 worth of Lego shop vouchers. Three runners up will get a Lego Creative Bucket each. Our Facebook page includes terms and conditions

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch on the contacts below.  Look forward to hearing from you!

Sarah Swindells,  Publicity and Marketing Assistant, Octopus Publishing Group

Website (Beta)

Twitter: @Octopus_Books & @Sarah_Swindells