Student Opportunity: NEW ‘LSM Festival’ To Showcase Your Work

Alex Capper, Year 2 Student

Alex Capper, Year 2 Student

Hello! You probably won’t have heard much, if anything, about me (I’m one of those elusive Audio folk) but I’m hoping to set up an LSM festival. It would serve as a way to get smaller ideas together to see how they work, perhaps for a bigger third year project, to show off any work you’ve done outside of university which isn’t suitable for a film festival, or for any Audio Prodders who want to create something without feeling they’ve to include a visual part to get it heard. 

It could be as experimental as you like, though we will probably like you to stick to a broad theme – those who went to Frequency where the 2013 theme was ‘Revolution’ will understand how all-encompassing they can be. But visual work will be very welcome, especially if it has an interactive element or needs special, site-specific viewing requirements, but this won’t be a film festival.   Continue reading

Lincoln School of Media’s Student Engagement Champions


Nigel & Graham

Each academic school (and professional support departments, like the Library) now has Student Engagement Champions.  At the LSM we’ve Senior Lecturer Graham Cooper.  Our Academic Subject Librarian Faye Cleminson is also a Student Engagement Champion, and she’s in the video below. Director of Education and Students for the College of Arts is LSM’s Principal Lecturer Nigel Morris.

The Student Engagement Hub said: Student Engagement Champions are tasked with leading their colleagues in embedding a culture of partnership and co-production. The aim’s to engage students meaningfully at all levels of the University.  With the new roll-out to schools, there are lots of colleagues new to the role – with this in mind Student Engagement at Lincoln developed ‘Basecamp’, a training session designed to get everybody off to a great start in the role.  This video shares more about the training, as well as some thoughts from a couple of Champions themselves.

Student Opportunity: Paid Work Experience at New Media Lincs

Hazel DonnellyCall out for student camera and sound operators from Hazel Donnelly, Project Co-ordinator at LSM’s New Media Lincs Social Enterprise. It provides opportunities for students to work collaboratively with local groups:
New Media Lincs require two excellent camera operators and a sound person for PAID work experience on Monday 9th or Tuesday 10th of December for some basic film work and a couple of short interviews.  Due to assessment hand-ins I would prefer that you are a Level Two student.There would also be the possibility of more permanent work experience through this new company.  If you think this is for you, please email me as soon as possible:


Graduate Aleysha Minns on Internship at Warp Films & LSM on 9 Dec

aleysha picture_300wI just received the great news that Warp Films will be taking me on for an internship in February 2014! I never thought I would get an opportunity like this from a completely different job interview around 5 months ago.

I attended a Frequency Festival internship interview in July and when talking to my lovely interviewer Sam, who happens to be a Yorkshire girl like me, she gave me the contact details for Warp Films in Sheffield from when she did an internship. I sent an email straight away, but heard nothing until 2 weeks ago! I had a Skype interview rather quickly and was offered a place! I was just over the moon, I have always wanted to work in film and now is my chance with a company I admire. Continue reading

Personal View on the International Student Short Film Festival

The Lincoln School of Media funded one of its undergraduates to travel to Pisek for the Student Short Film Festival last month and here’s their insight into the event: 

Student Film Fest_Nov2013_Pisek

“So a few weeks back, I casually found myself in Pisek, as you do. It’s a small town in the middle of the Czech Republic about 60 miles south of the Prague. I was there however for a specific reason: The 13th International Student Short Film Festival

As I entered the auditorium for the opening ceremony of the festival, I found myself in complete surprise. It was overly packed; with many a-people sitting on the stairs to the sides and standing round the back of the seats. I, arriving a few minutes later than the rest, found myself standing at the back.  Earlier in the day, there were sessions of screening of the competitive films. In these sessions, the theatre was barely a third full. The first, in fact, was far less than that, I had many choices of where I wanted to sit, which the festival being in its 13th year in this annual event, I found quite surprising and disappointing. However, that was nothing to the surprise that I had that evening finding the auditorium overly full for this opening ceremony. During the opening ceremony, we were treated to an animation of the history of Pisek.  The fourteen piece orchestra performed a few tunes and, rather surprisingly but quite a treat, a rendition of A Hard Day’s Night. And it simply wouldn’t be proper if the director of the festival and the Mayor didn’t go onto the stage to say a few words. Continue reading

Congratulations to Siren FM: East Midlands Station of the Year

Well done to Nations and Regions awards-bannerSiren FM, winner of the East Midlands Station of the Year at the Radio Academy Nations & Regions Awards Lincoln’s first community radio station, based on campus, collaborates with the School of  Media students. Siren FM said: “Working with students on projects like New Wave, the Level 2 and 3 assignments all were noted in our submission.”

The winning stations will now go forward into the Station of the Year (under 1 million) category at the 2014 Radio Academy Awards.

Update on LSM Students’ Indie Film ‘What Goes Up’

Matthew Gambell and Production Team__What Goes Up filmFinal year LSM students who’re making their first feature film (started at the end of their second year), which is a “rom-com with a sci-fi twist” have an update. The film’s called ‘What Goes Up.’  Its Director and the founder of GSProductions is Matt Gambell:  We’ve been a bit quiet over the past few months due to focusing our time on coursework. I’ve spent the majority of last week building an initial draft edit of the film.  It’s now complete with a screening to a few this evening in EMMTEC.

Matt-Gambell_What-goes-up-posterAs it’s in its initial form, the purpose of the screening is to see the overall flow of the scenes and afterwards discuss what we like / don’t like, what’s missing and what we need to do to make it the best we possibly can so that we can hopefully get picture lock by the end of January. We’ve done some PR for the film this week… we’ve managed to get it on to IMDb and we’ve designed our first official promotional poster.  Soon you’ll see what we’ve achieved on such a small budget / time frame as I’m incredibly proud of everyone involved and the progress we’re making – slow as it may be.  We’ll keep you posted!

Quandary Productions Welcome Two New Interns from LSM

Quandary Productions Creative Internship Programme have selected two new interns to join its team – and they’ve both come from the Lincoln School of Media. Congratulations to Sarah Worcester a 2nd year student and Liam Gilroy a recent media production graduate.

Michael_HenryMichael Henry, founder of Quandary Productions and our 2009 graduate, said: “Sarah and Liam will be assisting us on weekly creative briefs, as well as working as Production Assistants during our future short and feature films – including ‘TIME AND PLACE’. We can’t wait to start working with them. We’ll keep you updated on their progress.” Continue reading

Opportunity: Careers & Employability Fair this Wednesday 10am-3pm

FindYourFeet_CareersFair_Logo_cropped_20Nov2013The University of Lincoln’s Annual Careers & Employability Fair is called ‘Find Your Feet’. It’s on Wednesday 20th November 2013 from 10am to 3pm in the Engine Shed.  This event is one of the best ways to start planning your career whether you are a 1st, 2nd, final or postgraduate student. This is from the Head of Careers & Employability, Mark Stow:

Each year the Careers and Employability Team host ‘Find Your Feet’. The purpose of our fair, as always, is to promote ALL opportunities – volunteering, part-time work, gap years, graduate opportunities and undergraduate placements.  So there really is something there for all students of all year groups, levels of study and discipline. Indeed, many of the employers, from Siemens to Experience Teaching Abroad, offer opportunities to students regardless of their subject of study – our fair is for all of your career needs. Continue reading

Career Wednesday sessions today and every Wednesday!

UoL_Careers&EmployabilityToday is ‘Career Wednesday’ and you can hear about Design for John Lewis at 2pm and find out how to sell yourself effectively by going to the 1-hour CV workshop at 3.30pm.


Career Wednesday is a chance for you to enhance your employability and gather information on the range of opportunities open to graduates.The initiative’s developed by the University’s Careers and Employability team, whereby each Wednesday employers are in the Enterprise@Lincoln building (next to the library) with the aim to help students and recent graduates to prepare for life after University.  Participation in a Career Wednesday session can be included as a chosen activity element of the Lincoln Award. See forthcoming Career Wednesday sessions this semester and register for future events and job vacancies.

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