Personal View on the International Student Short Film Festival

The Lincoln School of Media funded one of its undergraduates to travel to Pisek for the Student Short Film Festival last month and here’s their insight into the event: 

Student Film Fest_Nov2013_Pisek

“So a few weeks back, I casually found myself in Pisek, as you do. It’s a small town in the middle of the Czech Republic about 60 miles south of the Prague. I was there however for a specific reason: The 13th International Student Short Film Festival

As I entered the auditorium for the opening ceremony of the festival, I found myself in complete surprise. It was overly packed; with many a-people sitting on the stairs to the sides and standing round the back of the seats. I, arriving a few minutes later than the rest, found myself standing at the back.  Earlier in the day, there were sessions of screening of the competitive films. In these sessions, the theatre was barely a third full. The first, in fact, was far less than that, I had many choices of where I wanted to sit, which the festival being in its 13th year in this annual event, I found quite surprising and disappointing. However, that was nothing to the surprise that I had that evening finding the auditorium overly full for this opening ceremony. During the opening ceremony, we were treated to an animation of the history of Pisek.  The fourteen piece orchestra performed a few tunes and, rather surprisingly but quite a treat, a rendition of A Hard Day’s Night. And it simply wouldn’t be proper if the director of the festival and the Mayor didn’t go onto the stage to say a few words. Continue reading

Update on LSM Students’ Indie Film ‘What Goes Up’

Matthew Gambell and Production Team__What Goes Up filmFinal year LSM students who’re making their first feature film (started at the end of their second year), which is a “rom-com with a sci-fi twist” have an update. The film’s called ‘What Goes Up.’  Its Director and the founder of GSProductions is Matt Gambell:  We’ve been a bit quiet over the past few months due to focusing our time on coursework. I’ve spent the majority of last week building an initial draft edit of the film.  It’s now complete with a screening to a few this evening in EMMTEC.

Matt-Gambell_What-goes-up-posterAs it’s in its initial form, the purpose of the screening is to see the overall flow of the scenes and afterwards discuss what we like / don’t like, what’s missing and what we need to do to make it the best we possibly can so that we can hopefully get picture lock by the end of January. We’ve done some PR for the film this week… we’ve managed to get it on to IMDb and we’ve designed our first official promotional poster.  Soon you’ll see what we’ve achieved on such a small budget / time frame as I’m incredibly proud of everyone involved and the progress we’re making – slow as it may be.  We’ll keep you posted!

Quandary Productions Welcome Two New Interns from LSM

Quandary Productions Creative Internship Programme have selected two new interns to join its team – and they’ve both come from the Lincoln School of Media. Congratulations to Sarah Worcester a 2nd year student and Liam Gilroy a recent media production graduate.

Michael_HenryMichael Henry, founder of Quandary Productions and our 2009 graduate, said: “Sarah and Liam will be assisting us on weekly creative briefs, as well as working as Production Assistants during our future short and feature films – including ‘TIME AND PLACE’. We can’t wait to start working with them. We’ll keep you updated on their progress.” Continue reading

Media Culture 2020 – Snapshot of Two Weeks by LSM Student Blogger

Hello! Rachel Hagreen, LSM’s student blogger and third year Media Production Student here… I’m now home from Latvia and can safely say it’s been the most tiring two weeks of my life, but absolutely incredible.  Here’s a snapshot of the EU-funded Media Culture 2020 Project.

MC2020_ringoffireWe left Lincoln at 2:30am on 26th and arrived in Liepaja at 7pm on the 27th… After not sleeping for at least 48 hours, the British felt now would be a good time to showcase our greatest talents; drinking. Needless to say, all the multiple bottle of free wine didn’t last very long and we managed to conduct a king size game of Ring of Fire across the multiple nationalities. 



The next day we woke up (not very) bright-eyed and bushy tailed to begin our first day of Media Culture 2020.  The day began with everybody giving a one minute introduction to themselves.

Following this we broke into our individual concept groups and begin preparing the presentations we had already started working on in our home towns.

Continue reading

LSM freshers’ opportunity: Student Exchange 2014 in USA

From Tom Nicholls, MSUM exchange co-ordinator, to all First Year LSM Students:


MSUM_logoWe have a student exchange with Minnesota State University MOORHEAD (MSUM) and you could be there in the Fall of 2014. 

There are opportunities to study on Moorhead’s Mass. Comm. (MP), Film Studies (FTV) & Music Industry (AP) programmes, plus the chance to spend a semester living in the U.S.A.

Come along to an information meeting to find out more and to talk to LSM students who went on the student exchange last year.  Thursday 21st November at 5.30pm in the Cargill Lecture Theatre (in the Main Academic building).

Free Opportunity for Students at Salford Media Festival 2013

Free opportunity for students from Salford Media Festival 2013.

Salford Media Fest 2013_NextGenIts ‘Next Generation’ programme promises to deliver two invaluable days of learning, training and inspiration for the next generation of media professionals on the 21st and 22nd November at the University of Salford.

How about a series of master classes, panel discussions and practical workshops delivered by industry professionals and leading experts in TV, Radio, Digital Media, Film, Audio, Animation and Broadcasting? If you go along to the Next Generation two-day programme you can also get advice on work experience opportunities, careers and employment and will be able to listen to industry professionals share their experience and opinions on how to break into the world of TV and media – and stay there! Reserve Your Place – but please check with your tutors first – and see the line-up of industry speakers at Next Generation here.

Opportunity: Join New Wave – Media, Music & Arts Show on SIREN FM

From LSM’s Principal Lecturer Bryan Rudd:
New Wave_logoNEW WAVE – The LSM’s weekly media, music and arts show on SIREN FM needs YOU! You’re invited to get involved from across all three years and across all programmes.

Jack Poston will be the programme series editor, and we need folks from all areas of media: film, TV, photography, audio, design, etc to present; research; record; edit; and run the live studio. NEW WAVE will be a sort of sexed up version of Radio 4 type Media Show/Front Row/Woman’s Hour mix with a liberal coating of fairy dust sprinkled on it (in other words aimed at a younger audience!). This is a great opportunity not only for all radio students but for ALL students to talk and present all areas of media, music and culture. We’ll also be targeting members of staff as contributors! Please get in touch ASAP with either me, email: or Jack Poston. Thanks.

Team Achievement Research Award for ‘Midlands on Film’ (LSM/MACE)

Congratulations to the LSM team for being highly commended in the category of ‘Achievement in Research’ for its ‘Midlands on Film’ series. It was a collaborative research project between the Lincoln School of Media (LSM) and the Media Archive for Central England (MACE).

Midlands on Film DVD CollectionThe University of Lincoln 2013 Team Achievement Awards gave top research recognition to those involved in the collection of nine DVDs – each captured the history of a city or place in the Midlands. Continue reading

LSM Students in Latvia for Media Culture 2020

MC2020Project_AndrewWest_26Oct13Ten of our final year undergraduates are in Latvia for the second stage of the EU-funded Media Culture 2020 project.  It aims to “break classroom and campus walls by creating open virtual learning environments where students from different countries and fields can explore and learn together.”


MC2020Project_Intro_AndrewWest_27Oct13LSM third years have joined students from Finland, Spain and the Netherlands for two weeks of hard work and cultural exploration. Lecturer Martyn Thayne is with them for the first week and Senior Lecturer Graham Cooper will go out for the second week. Our 3rd year student Andrew West captured the moment when they landed at Riga airport on Saturday and their first introduction session was yesterday. He said: “it all sounds really exciting, I’ll keep you updated! Watch this video to find out what it’s all about.” Continue reading

Tributes: Visiting Professor Antonia Bird, TV & Film Director

Gone but not forgotten is Antonia Bird, our Visiting Professor for Film and TV, who has sadly died from cancer at the age of 54.  Tributes have been coming in for the multi-award winning writer, director and producer for stage and screen – television and film. Robert Carlyle actor in Antonia’s well known films Priest, Face and Ravenous, said: “RIP Antonia Bird. Farewell my beautiful friend.”

Head of Lincoln School of Media, Dr Sarah Barrow: “We were privileged and honoured to have known Antonia and been associated with her. She was an incredible advocate for the role of women in media. And a very talented person across all media. BAFTA award-winning ‘Priest’ was an amazing film and I’ll never forget the special [jam-packed] screening of it at Cambridge Arts Cinema in 1994, presented by Linus Roach. More recently, ‘The Village’ on BBC1 (with John Simm and Maxine Peake) was so powerful, brave and provocative. And her work with Jimmy McGovern on the inimitable ‘Cracker’ was ground-breaking.”

LSM’s Senior Lecturer Marcella Forster: “So sad that Antonia has died.  She was a great director and an inspiring woman.”

For more tributes see The Guardian; BBC News; The Telegraph and Metro.