Jordan hosts “Meet the Freelancers”

LSM graduate Jordan Livermore presents “MEET THE FREELANCERS”, on Tuesday 11 Dec at 2pm in the Cargill Lecture Theatre.

Jordan has always been keen to put students in the picture about working as a freelancer ever since he began working a a runner in London, so he has organised this event to help current LSM students. They will be able to meet an array of freelancers working in UK TV today and ask them questions about how they got work and how they keep it.

Guest list: Continue reading

Martyn’s thesis has been published

Martyn Thayne (class of 2008 / 2010) is pleased to announce that a revised version of his MA thesis, On Participation: A Critical New Media Analysis, has recently been published and is available here.

Here’s a quick overview: Continue reading

School News

From Sarah Barrow:

LSM Senior Lecturer Chris Hainstock has been accepted onto the Guild of British Film and Television Editors, and will appear in due course on their list of members.

Well done Chris – fantastic and well deserved recognition of your skills, experience and expertise.

I’m also delighted to announce that, against stiff competition from top class scholars from around the world, Rob Coley impressed a panel of 2 Pro-Vice Chancellors, 1 Dean of Research, 1 Faculty Director of Research and me … and was offered the post. He accepted!

Rob’s post represents a significant and very much appreciated sign of confidence in LSM generally, in our research agenda (aligning theory and practice), and in our imminent REF submission.

Adam Moss, an Olympic ‘FIRST’

Adam Moss (class of 2010) recently completed working on the OFFICIAL FILM of the London 2012 Olympic Games.

A documentary called FIRST which follows 12 first time Olympians on their journey.
Directed by Caroline Rowland FIRST is a co-production with Mango Films, Southern Cross Cameras, ZenHQ Films

Adam told us:
“I have recently had a very crazy experience being an assistant editor (avid) on the official film of the London 2012 Olympic Games (I also had the opportunity to go and shoot some material too) It has meant working with hundreds of hours of footage and makes editing ‘Void’ my student film seem like a walk in the park! A very eye opening experience”

FIRST will be released on 23rd November 2012

images courtesy of First Facebook page

Continue reading

School News

From Dr Sarah Barrow, Head of School:

Congratulations to all our technical support and loans colleagues who collect their Team Achievement Award from the Vice Chancellor in EMMTEC today!

The award is being made in recognition of all their hard work to support us and our students and the many new initiatives rolled out last year.

In addition, LSM came in the top 5 (out of 85) of all UK Media-related courses for learning resources in the recent National Student Satisfaction Survey.

Lincoln Visiting Professor for Film, Neil Sinyard, will give a lecture on Woody Allen entitled ‘Music, Magic, Murder: the later films of Woody Allen’ at the Base Youth Arts Centre, Church Square, Scunthorpe, on Sunday 18th November at 2.30 p.m. Continue reading

LSM graduates release Tennyson film

In celebration of the 2009 bicentenary of the birth of Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) WAG Screen made a short, filmed dramatisation of his poem The Lady of Shalott to be shown at The Collection, Lincoln. Inspiration for the visual imagery came from the many Pre-Raphaelite paintings that the poem inspired, but most especially the paintings of the artist John William Waterhouse. WAG Screen is a prolific Lincoln-based non-profit-making community group led by graduates Nick Loven and Chris Roberts.

Read the full story on the WAG screen website. Continue reading

Meet the LSM Graduates

Meet the Graduates (MtG 2013), our networking event, was a good get together for students (and staff) to meet fifteen LSM’s alumni.  2012 graduate Katie Martin captured some of our alumni on the day and asked what they are doing?

Bird's eye view: Graduate Question Time

Bird’s eye view: Graduate Question Time

The Graduate Question Time was not rose tinted views, but honest realistic perspectives. Graduates talked frankly about their experiences in looking for work, pursuing their passions and reflecting on when they were students. They even agreed that tutors are humans with experience and lots to offer!  Trending was to use social media platforms, get business cards and set up your own blog now (students) to showcase your work. Other talking points … Continue reading

Simon Dunn – Feature Film Camera Debut

Simon Dunn (LSM Graduate 2010) has been taken on as a Camera Assistant for a new feature film shooting at Leavesden Studios, “300: Rise of an Empire”.

Simon told us:

Simon Dunn starts on new Feature Film at Leavesden Studios

“I got approached to be represented by a professional Film/TV agency based at Shepperton Studios. They wanted to represent me as a Camera Trainee. I’m absolutely over the moon as things finally are starting to move forwards and I finally get to work on my first feature!

Simon starts next Tuesday as part of the underwater department on the new feature film, and we wish him all the best.

300-Rise of an Empire (Pic – Warner Bros)

Simon has already been working on the set of Hollyoaks and has recently been part of the winning team on the 48 hour film project.



Alex Graham (Wall to Wall CEO) to give lecture

Mon 15 Oct at 6pm, MC2201, Brayford Campus, University of Lincoln.

Visiting Professor for TV Alex Graham: “Sheffield International Doc Fest at 20″

Wall to Wall CEO Alex Graham has been a leading figure in UK independent television production sector for almost 30 years. Continue reading

Class of 2010 graduates steal the show

Six graduates of the Lincoln School of Media have just won a hat-trick of prizes at the 48 Hour Film Project with their film “GLOVE”. Joseph (Joey) Fallon, Jonathan Sankey, Emma Godley, Simon Dunn. Josh Roberts and Ashley Pay, who all graduated in 2010, entered the competition ‘on a whim’.

Competing against a wide range of film makers including 18-strong studio teams from around the UK, the graduates brainstormed on a Friday, filmed all day Saturday and edited up to the wire.



At the UK awards ceremony on 6th October 2012, at the Pheonix Theatre, London – Joseph Fallon won Best Director (with a £5000 Sony camera as prize). The team then won the Audience Award, in a landslide audience vote (prize 2 memberships to the Arts Club in Soho). Finally they won Overall UK Winner, with their film being screened, which then received a huge round of applause. The prize was a trip to Los Angeles next year and entry to the Worldwide competition.





They literally shot to stardom in a few breathless hours! Congratulations to them all. Continue reading