One of our students – John Stacey (Audio Production level 2) was involved in these KISS100 FM/University of Lincoln films (scroll down a little – there are three thumbnail images – click to view.)
Audio versions of these have been played many times on Kiss100 Radio and these are on their website along with a competition.
In November we held our first ever AlumniFest on campus. Thanks to all who came along to ‘Meet the Graduates’.
Graduates answered questions from students and staff before chatting one-to-one. The event confirmed our conviction that graduate experience should be a vital input into our teaching and learning.
As an LSM graduate, your experiences, opinions and advice are of great value to us in our mission to keep abreast of media industry trends. So please do get in touch!
There’s a new way to find alumni stories, using the GALLERY link at the top of the page. Just click on a photo to read the graduate’s story. Here’s a preview:
We’re thrilled to announce that this year we have received 3 Regional Award Nominations for student final year film & animation projects produced during 2009-10.
In organising the first ever Lincoln School of Media’s ‘Meet the Graduates’ event I have sourced a variety of content from our alumni – from graduation day photos and shots at work to interviews with us in the studio and on location. As part of my Masters [in digital media] I decided to experiment with convergence in some media technological areas I had not done before. After trying to squeeze a lot of practice into a short space of time here is my digital mash up to promote the AlumniFest on Wed 10 Nov 2010.
We are now on Twitter, so if you are too, standby for lots of tweets, and do join in if you like. We are already following alumni e-mail contacts, and we hope this will be a good way to flag up new blog posts. Click here or on the Twitter button on the sidebar, just under the tag cloud to get started.
If you are looking for a new job or freelance work, why not promote yourself on this blog?
Send your advertisement to us at, together with a suitable picture and your current CV, and we’ll publish them for you – free. Links to show reels, photo albums etc. are fine too.
Also, from time to time we get enquiries from local organisations looking to commission professional media products – video, photography, animation etc. Watch out for notices on this blog!
Wednesday 8 September 2010. My first graduation day at Lincoln. I’d been looking forward to this day since finding out last December that I’d got the post of Head of School of Media, and realising that this would soon become my ‘home’ city.Continue reading →