Holocaust Survivor Story | 25 Feb Talk at University of Lincoln

27th January is Holocaust Memorial Day. Our 3rd year Film and TV student Kate Marrison is a regional ambassador at the Holocaust Educational Trust. She has arranged for a survivor to talk about his experiences. Kate posted: This year is of even greater significance as it marks 70 years since the liberation of Auschwitz Birkenau (said to be ‘the largest Nazi death camp’). The Holocaust may be at risk of moving from living history into just history and so it is up to future generations, now more than ever, to keep the legacy and the memory of the survivors alive – not just on this Memorial Day but throughout the entire year. I first got involved with the Trust in 2012 when I took part in the lessons from Auschwitz project. From then on I applied to be a regional ambassador for the East Midlands, which is effectively a three year course in which I would volunteer to write blogs, organise events, attend conferences, workshops and do what I could to promote Holocaust education.  

Holocaust-survivor_Harry-BibringFor my first event I have invited survivor Harry Bibring to come and share his testimony. All are welcome on the 25th of February in the Cargill Lecture Theatre at 2.30pm. This free talk will last around 90-minutes, including time for questions. Seats will be limited, so please arrive early to ensure your place. I feel it is both a privilege and a necessity that students and the public can hear Harry’s survivor story, at the university, and carry it with them into the future.  Continue reading

21.01.15 Graduation Day | University of Lincoln Year of Liberty

On a wintry Wednesday there were plenty of warm-hearted wishes from Lincoln School of Film & Media, family and friends to today’s graduates. Congratulations from us all at the University of Lincoln to our latest alumni!  Be proud.

2014grads-unfocused_RWGraduation Day marked the start of the University of Lincoln’s Year of Liberty.  Vice Chancellor Professor Mary Stuart said: This year is an important landmark for the University, the Cathedral, the county and the city of Lincoln, as we mark the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta – the cornerstone of our democracy. In commemoration, the University is making 2015 its Year of Liberty, and I can’t think of a better way to begin than celebrating the success of our graduates.

See the graduation gallery of images by John Jenkins at the Lincolnshire Echo. LSFM grads please keep us posted on what you’re up to, we’d love to hear from you. Do follow us @LSMAlumni and share your experiences with current & former students here on the School’s blog.  Thanks.

ASAP! Creative Job Opportunities via New Media Lincs

NewMediaLincs_logoNew Media Lincs has TWO jobs, camera set-up & vision mixing live video streaming in Lincoln AND film editing based in Retford, for students or graduates. Interested? Please contact Hazel Donnelly at New Media Lincs ASAP:  hdonnelly@lincoln.ac.uk | 07860435026

Job 1 with Blueprint Film: “This year we’ve got a regular job setting up cameras and vision mixing a live video stream of indoor bowls to go out to betting agencies. We’d be willing to pay £50 per day to make it worthwhile. Continue reading

Meet the Graduates | Video on job interviews

Meet_the_Graduates_150wMeet the Graduates is just one of Lincoln School of Film & Media‘s popular networking events between our creative alumni and students.  The most recent symposium was on-campus, last October, with a packed audience at the Graduate Question Time. On the panel were alumni from 2003 to 2014: Video Director Lewis Cater, Digital Strategist Jo Graham (doing a KTP at Mortons Media Group), Screenwriter Tony Kelly, 4Crew Production Co-ordinator Aleysha Minns, freelance sound operator / technician Tom Ward and Wallbreaker Productions Producer Ashley Wilks.

The video is on their experiences about going for job interviews in the creative industries and it was captured by LSFM student crew via New Media Lincs. Thanks to 2nd year Audio Production undergraduate Mihail Sustov and 3rd year Media Production students Alex Faulkner & Rory McCarney. This piece (and the vox pop, see previous post) was produced by Rory.

Graduates follow us @LSMAlumni. To find out about 4Crew at Channel 4 Continue reading

Meet the Graduates | Vox Pop by LSFM Students / New Media Lincs

Meet_the_Graduates_150wMeet the Graduates is the Lincoln School of Film & Media’s symposium where our former and current students network on-campus. From the last event in Oct 2014 here is a vox pop with alumni sharing experiences about their job and some tips for students.  It was captured by 3rd year Media Production students Alex Faulkner and Rory McCarney via New Media Lincs. The piece was produced by Rory who is an LSFM student-mentee.

#MtGLincoln Coming soon – capture from Question Time at Meet the Grads …

Creative Industries now worth £8.8 million an hour to UK economy

DCMS_CreativeIndustries_news_13Jan2015News from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport:  New figures published today reveal that the UK’s Creative Industries, which includes the film, television and music industries, are now worth £76.9 billion per year to the UK economy.

Ed Vaizey, Minister for Culture and Digital Industries, said it’s ‘very good news’ and the ‘Creative Industries are now worth £8.8 million an hour to the UK economy.‘ Apparently that’s ‘£146,000 every single minute.‘ Here is the DCMS video.

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George Horne, Class of 2010 | Science Museum Film We Engineer

George-Horne_LonelyLeap Our 2010 graduate George Horne works as a Creative at LONELYLEAP – a film company with production teams in London and New York.  George was the Director and Creative Lead on a film called We Engineer (2014).  It was made for the Science Museum for its Engineer Your Future exhibition, which is to encourage young people into engineering and look at relevant careers in this field.

George said: “To be honest the Science Museum has always been one of my favourite places to visit in London, ever since I was a child. So having the opportunity to make a film for one of their major exhibitions was an honour. Within the project I developed and wrote the original proposal that won the tender, then directed the shoots and led the edit and post production stages. Millions of people visit the museum every year, so making a film with that sort of exposure is amazing!”  The Science Museum: “the film is aimed at children aged 11 to 14, designed to shine a light on the ingenious, albeit unknown work done by British engineers. Meet the real-life engineers making faster racing yachts, safer houses and smarter prosthetics…

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Survey! 2nd Years, what should our New Year’s resolution be?

Our Year Two students at the University of Lincoln have you had your say via the Level 2 Student Survey?  We’d love to hear your comments by 16th January 2015. There’s a £300 prize fund for the School which has the highest percentage of undergraduates completing the survey. So here’s a reminder from the Student Engagement Section at EDEU (Educational Development & Enhancement Unit): 

L2-OnlineSurvey-deadline16.01.2015The survey is run online. Every student who is eligible to complete the survey should have received an email to their university account with a link to the survey. Or Level two students can go directly to the link www.lincoln.ac.uk/talktous and log in with their usual university username and password.

The survey asks second year undergraduate students to reflect on the quality of teaching and support so that we can use the feedback to improve these things at course, school and university levels. Thank you.

Student Engagement Hub  |  Follow @UoLGetInvolved  |  01522 83 7306

Call out for UN*DEPENDENCE Film Fest | Deadline 15 Jan 2015

From Nina Schildhauer, Film Curator and Programmer at PopUp!Scotland, about the UN*DEPENDENCE Film Festival 2015 in Edinburgh. The deadline to submit your film (short, feature, documentary, animation, etc.) is by 15th January 2015:

Un-dependence-FilmFest2015We are a small and independent collective of artists and filmophiles in Scotland’s capital Edinburgh and we are currently looking for submissions for the UN*DEPENDENCE Film Festival 2015.  We wish to reach out at communities outside Scotland to seek out film networks that are devoted to talking about and challenging the norms and we are particularly interested in films from countries where independence is an ongoing discourse.

We are looking for films and moving image works that tackle the topics of (in)dependencies and un-dependence on all levels. Based in Edinburgh, Scotland, the idea for the festival was born out of the spirit of the Scottish Referendum. The referendum had an impact not just politically but more important, it triggered reactions in the people’s minds and caused a massive response within the arts.  Dependencies are personal themes that individuals struggle with just as nations do. We are inviting filmmakers from Scotland and around the world to submit shorts, feature films, documentaries, animation and experimental works which deal with these questions.  Continue reading

Andrew McNeil, Year 3 FTV Student | Work on ‘Adrift in Soho’

AndrewMcNeil_3rdyear_crop_Dec2014I’ve returned to Uni (Lincoln School of Film & Media) after working as Assistant Art Director for a few days on a feature film called ‘Adrift in Soho’ (2015), which was being shot in Nottingham. It’s an adaptation of a Colin Wilson novel of the same name. It follows the life of a young writer, Harry Preston, who after being discharged from the RAF, moves to London in search of adventure. He fancies himself as a writer and so moves towards Soho, an area known for its creativity and finds himself involved with the many creatives of the Beat Generation. The screenplay was adapted and written by a very interesting and eccentric Uruguayan, named Pablo Behrens – who also directed the film. A very warm and capable Dane, named Martin Koblyarz, shot the film and the films art direction and production design came from a very captivating and adept Englishman, named Steven Blundell – whom I was understudy to.

I’ll tell you how I came to find myself as an Asst. Art Director at the age of twenty on a feature.
Adrift-in-Soho(2015)_BurningFilms Continue reading