Business Speed Dating invitation

From the School of Art & Design:

School of Art&Design_LOGOGet ready to talk fast and get networking! We invite small businesses, entrepreneurs and all others interested in the creative industry to come along and network in the gallery space. It’s a great opportunity for students to get involved and meet professional contacts, peers and potential collaborators.

Business Speed Dating: 25th September at 12noon in the Vitrine Gallery – part of the new College of Art and Design building at the University of Lincoln.

Internships with LOV

LOV_learningandjobs_logoThere are two paid internships at Lincolnshire One Venues Young People’s Programme (LOV) for a Communications Assistant and Project Administrator. LOV is a “network of 10 visual and performing arts centres, established to create a more coherent arts offer across a large and predominately rural county.” Deadline’s 30th September 2013.  Eligibility criteria for both positions are: 

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Graham’s Cycle for Life 2013

Graham-Cooper's-bikeand frequencyT-shirt_Sept2013

Graham wore the Frequency Fest flag on his t-shirt (top left!)

“I’m a bit sore now, but chuffed I did it.” Well done to LSM’s Senior Lecturer and graduate Graham Cooper on his Cycle for Life on 8th September 2013. The 70km bike ride was in aid of his chosen charity Farleigh Hospice. So far Graham’s raised £220 and he said you can still donate at his Just Giving page. “Any contribution however big or small would be gratefully received. Don’t forget to add gift aid so the tax man does his part, too! Thank you.” Continue reading

Careers & Employability Fair 2013

FindYourFeet_CareersFair_Logo_cropped_20Nov2013Hello I’m Helen McCarron, Careers & Employability Adviser, and the University of Lincoln invites you to our annual careers and employability fair.
‘Find Your Feet’ will be on 20th November 2013 in the Engine Shed on the Brayford Pool Campus. The fair is in its third year and attracts national and regional graduate recruiters, volunteer organisations and postgraduate opportunities relevant to our students and graduates.  This Uni’s had a meteoric rise in the league tables and is proud of producing industry ready graduates through our partnerships with industry. The fair is free of charge. 

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LSM Graduation – Class of 2013

Congratulations to Lincoln School of Media 2013 graduates. It’s a fabulous feeling! Well done on all your achievements. Keep us posted on what you’re up to – we’d love you to hear from you. These images were captured on a glorious sunny day at Lincoln Cathedral by LSM’s Senior Lecturer Neil Kendall.

Rachel Hagreen on freelance jobs

Hello.  Here’s another post from me – a Lincoln School of Media Student. 

Rachel Hagreen's freelancing projectsI became a freelancer completely by accident and it was never something I considered as part of plan. I had a BBQ in summer 2012 and a girl who I was once friends with in high school turned up and got talking to me asking the standard generic question ‘so, how’s uni?’… I got chatting about it and she started telling me about the business she and her mum have, Happiness Millionaire, she mentioned that they were looking to create some short videos to ultimately make into a mobile app and asked if I fancied doing it? Since it was to be the first time I’d independently produced any form of film related work I said I’d happily do it free of charge as I’d use it as an opportunity to learn some new skills. Continue reading

Student Feature Film ‘What Goes Up’ in the making

Matthew Gambell and Production Team__What Goes Up filmThis summer LSM students, like Director Matthew Gambell and the dedicated production team from writers to producers, have been busy fundraising, scripting and shooting an independent feature film called ‘What Goes Up’.  It’s a “rom-com with a sci-fi twist”, which is currently in post-production.

Matt said: We’re hoping to get the film finished by January so that we can start circulating the festivals before releasing it later in the year, we’re also hoping to have a few screenings within Lincoln before release. Continue reading

Katie Martin: from intern to staff job!

Katie Martin_graduation

2012 Graduation

A little update from me – after completing my 11 month Web and Multimedia Graduate Internship in the University of Lincoln’s Marketing department, I landed the job of Social Media Officer!  (Woo, I believe that calls for a celebratory cocktail…or two!)

As my internship came to an end I was faced with going back to the job market which, as any graduate will know, is a scary place to be. You find one awesome job and 200 people go for it. Competition is definitely fierce, particularly in media-related roles, so I began applying for anything and everything in my field. I had a few successful interviews, including one here at the University for the Social Media Officer role which I accepted in a heartbeat. I loved my time as an intern here and the role was exactly what I was looking for.

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Frequency Fest 2013, Lincoln

Frequency_logoThe Frequency Festival of Digital Culture will return to Lincoln from Friday 18th to Saturday 26th October 2013.  Organisers said the festival will ‘bring to the city an extraordinary celebration of international arts, culture and technology.’  Frequency 2013 will explore the concept of revolution and will invite you to consider the impact of the digital revolution, asking how art and culture help us to articulate the dimensions and effects of change?

See below the fabulous Frequency Festival 2013 promotional sting by Senior Lecturers at the creative LSM, alumnus Graham Cooper with the soundtrack from David McSherry. Frequency Fest 2013, ‘Join the Revolution’ 18th-26th October 2013 and fly the flag!

The nine-day event will take place in a range of sites throughout Lincoln from non-traditional and unexpected locations across the city to established arts venues including … Continue reading

Ewen Glass

From Sarah Barrow, Head of Lincoln School of Media, on Ewen Glass one of the teaching team who is a Lincoln-based screenwriter amongst his other talents in the creative industries:

IMDB ProfileLSM Lecturer Ewen Glass was one of five filmmakers selected to be supported by Creative England to attend the prestigious talent development programme at last month’s Edinburgh International Film Festival (EIFF). EIFF Talent Lab took place during the festival and offered up-and-coming filmmakers the opportunity to learn from the world’s key film industry players. It brought together thirty emerging directors, producers and screenwriters with key UK and international film professionals in a number of ways to help advise and inspire them for the next steps in their careers.

In Edinburgh, Ewen benefited from a variety of advice sessions, workshops and masterclasses aimed at the next generation of film talent. He had the unmissable opportunity to discuss the industry, their projects and their ideas with a selection of invited industry professionals including sales agents, executive producers, literary agents, story editors and distributors. Ewen said: “An invaluable experience, one which not only arms you with a whole new set of professional contacts and an improved skillset, but which fosters a sense of community among up and coming film-makers.

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