International Short Film Festival Winterthur – July deadline!

17th International Swiss Film FestThe deadline for film submissions for the 17th edition of this international Swiss festival is this week. So enter your ‘shorts’ by the deadline 31st July 2013 said LSM’s Senior Lecturer Janice Kearns. The entry form is on the website (where you can choose your preferred language). Continue reading

Dani Moseley’s Update: Summer 2013

Our multi-talented 2007 graduate rounds up her latest events, both here & abroad.

Dani-Moseley_Mag-FrontCoverI got the shock of my life when a friend of mine in St Lucia sent a picture of me on the front cover of a St Lucian Magazine!  Basically the photographer was St Lucian, she’s well known and got interviewed for a mag over there. They asked to see/use some of her portfolio for the feature, so she let me know that they might use it for the interview.

So there I was thinking if they were going to use anything, it would be some small little insert in the article, but nooooo, not only did they use ‘my’ picture, they put it on the front cover, which I was WELL chuffed about! Gonna get a copy soon!   Continue reading

Lincoln Film Society

Festival programmeLincoln Film Society (LFS) is open for membership now until 31st August 2013. Membership rates are for the 2013-14 season, for approximately 24 screenings.

LFS said it “has been bringing the best of world and independent cinema to Lincoln since 1953.  We aim to show films which would not normally be available to view in Lincoln.”  If you would like to join please email To see the new programme, please go to the website.  LFS is also looking for shorts and sponsors.


Alec Albury, Class of 2012

Alec AlburyWe all know finding work after University is or will be tough. I’m not someone that actually felt that panic at first, as I was very lucky.  You may hate to read this, but I owe it all to the Research and Development module. Through this I and two other friends decided to look into writing a case study on Envy Post Production.

We found something we all had in common in media interests and that was post production so we put our heads together and went for it. Envy were and still are a big company so it was hard at first, but after a few emails and couple of calls we had secured a date to take a tour and have an interview (all for our case study of course). A week later we received emails inviting us to come down to do a week’s work experience and during that week we all secured jobs as runners. That is what I did for the next year. Running is of course a bit of a pain. Long hours, degrading jobs and it’s just generally difficult to maintain a smile on your face. Continue reading

Sheffield Doc/Fest from volunteer to internship

Sheffield doc-fest logo_v2My technique lately seems to be to apply for jobs no matter how unqualified I think I might be and if I’m successful, worry about it the night before I start work. I hate myself for this technique sometimes but it always pays off in the end!  I first came across Sheffield Doc/Fest through a friend and as soon as I read into the festival, I knew I wanted to be involved.  I’m Rachel Hagreen a second year student at the Lincoln School of Media.  I’ve always either had my head in fiction as part of the course or freelancing to earn a bit of brass, so I figured I should open the door to documentary production too.

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BFI Academy: ‘The Delivery’ and ‘Behind the Scenes’

This short film was made by students attending the East Midlands British Film Institute (BFI) Academy sessions, held earlier this year at the University of Lincoln, with help from craft mentors at the Lincoln School of Media (LSM) – staff, students and graduates. The course was jointly co-ordinated by Robert Pitman (CfBT Education Services) and Brian Hall (LSM).

Another great watch is next and it gives an insight into the creative project. Continue reading

Volunteers for ‘Clearing’ days in August

Alumni-Team_v1From the University’s Alumni Network:  The University’s admissions team is getting ready for A Level results day and would like your help as a graduate.  This year is expected to be particularly busy and alumni are invited to come and help out with calls and experience this fast-paced environment for themselves.   It is always an exciting time, with hundreds of calls coming in from students hoping to get a place here. The process is known as Clearing and students who have changed their minds about their choice of university or whose exam results were better or worse than expected will contact us on results day or the day after.  Here are the details:

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Rachel Hagreen’s Summer Internship

Well done to Rachel Hagreen, LSM’s second year student, who has a three-month summer internship with the Sheffield Doc/Fest organisers. The international film festival is renowned for bringing together media professionals and celebrates the art and craft of documentary making.

Rachel HagreenRachel said “my first intern shift is today, on the hottest day of the year.  Everyone is lovely here and very laid back.  I’ve been responding to lots of emails, making tea and editing the doc/fest website so far!”  She’s been thinking of starting a blog, but in the meantime she’ll post something here soon.  Rachel’s also been working on producing some shorts about Meet the Graduates 2013 and I caught her in action at the School of Media’s networking event.

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Goodbye to Mike Mason

Mike MasonA very fond farewell from LSM’s staff and students to Mike Mason, Principal Lecturer and Programme Leader for the BA (Hons) Media Production, who has retired from the University of Lincoln. Mike moved into teaching after his artistic participation in the cultural sector in the UK and mainland Europe that encompassed mainstream and alternative media.

Mike’s message: I wish you all a great future in the full knowledge that the School of Media will continue to be the very best place to achieve what our students aspire to. I came to University as an undergraduate student in 1990 with the ambition to get a reasonable degree and hopefully move into teaching – I have succeeded in both those ambitions and much, much more. It is the ‘much more’ that means I will be leaving these hallowed halls a very happy chap indeed.” Continue reading

Dani Moseley in Award Winning Web Series

Many congrats to our 2007 graduate Dani Moseley who was listed in the ‘Outstanding Guest Actress Award’ at the LA Web Series Festival 2013 for playing Simone in Brothers With No Game – BWNG to its web viewers. The online comedy drama won multiple awards, from producing to editing. Dani told me the first season was very popular and her character has been very well received: “I get stopped in the street more for that than anything else and because it is online, it’s always something I can refer people to. They can watch it ‘instantly’ whereas TV has happened & gone.” Continue reading