Channel 4Talent Day in Lincoln

Apply now for a place at the 4Talent Day – 3rd July at The Showroom, Tritton Road, Lincoln.

This is an event where Channel 4 spills the beans on how our industry works. You meet industry professionals who can reveal what skills, experience and attitude you need to get noticed. And we share the secrets of how you can build an incredible career in the media. Continue reading

Degree show timetable

There’s still time to visit the show. The timetable is online here or you can view it below:
degreeShow_timetable1 Continue reading

LSM students return from Finland

LSM staff and students have returned from their pioneering  placement at Finland’s Tampere University of Applied Sciences School of Art, Music and Media. It was the first phase of the new Media Culture 2020 scheme, which brings together students and teaching staff from Higher Education institutions across Europe. Continue reading

Nathan Lewis on Audio Production for Animation

From LSM Audio Production Level 2 Student Nathan Lewis:  Earlier this year, an opportunity arose for Audio Production students to collaborate with the final year animation students, who needed an original soundtrack design for their films. With the chance to enhance my learning experience and add to the repertoire of short films for my portfolio, I gladly attended the meeting to pitch my musical stylings to the groups in a rather professional manner (I hoped).

Highlights included the enlisting of my father as “incoherent quip” actor to perform some grunts, screams, oohs and aahs in one of the more acrobatic films. I originally attempted this myself only to rapidly discover my voice being not of the masculine persuasion required of the character.   The two films complete with my composition and sound design are River Man

… and here’s Snowblind  Continue reading

Degree show trailer

Created by level 3 Media Production students: Tom Young, Jerome Smith, Amy Drew,  Isaac Beatson, Cameron Steele, Ross Mcgowan and Sean Strange. Degree Show details. Continue reading

Degree show programme now on line

The School of Media Degree Show 2013 starts at midday on Wednesday 5th June and ends midday on Friday 7th June. The show is open to the public, free of charge, so why not drop in to the school by the pool for a real media treat? You can pick up a programme at the degree show reception desk in the Atrium from 5th June, or to help you plan ahead, Ben Atkinson has produced a web version of the Show programme.

Meet the LSM Graduates with their Top Tips

Meet the Graduates (MtG) is always a highlight at the Lincoln School of Media.  Katie Martin, class of 2012, captured our alumni at this year’s networking event between graduates and students. Katie’s just finished an internship at the Uni and now she’s landed a staff job here as Social Media Officer – many congrats. This is her vox/pop on tips graduates would give to our third year students. It’s a timely piece as the next generation of our creatives leave the LSM, so listen up and good luck!

Final year students, we look forward to seeing your stories here so please keep us posted on what you’re up to!  Of course you’ll be invited to our next Meet the Graduates, but for now the buzz of this year’s is still with us. Continue reading

Update: International Student Film Festival PÍSEK

Some very good news LSM will offer up to 3 selected student film-makers up to £100 towards travel costs for those who wish to enter their films for the International Student Film Festival. Entries are due the end of May, so you should decide as soon as possible! If you need any more support or help, do not hesitate to contact your tutors or LSM Visiting Prof. Nick Gray who was a member of the festival jury last year. Continue reading