Bryan Rudd on BBC Radio Humberside

Bryan Rudd, Principal Lecturer in Media Production and Programme Leader for BA (Hons) Audio Production, was interviewed yesterday by David Burns on BBC Radio Humberside’s morning show. (15/01/13)

Bryan was invited onto the show as a guest commentator to discuss the anniversary of Mary Whitehouse’s letter to the BBC. Mary Whitehouse CBE was recognised for her opposition to the mainstream British media, and her foundation of the National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Association. Whitehouse began her activism with a letter to the BBC’s Director General in 1963.
Bryan was invited by BBC Radio Humberside to appear on the show alongside a representative from Mediawatch-uk, to discuss the issue of censorship on radio and television, and explore the changes that have occurred over time. Hear the full interview


‘Midlands on Film’ by LSM and MACE

Midlands on Film DVD Collection It has been a fantastic experience to be part of a collaborative project between the LSM and MACE (Media Archive for Central England) because I could do what I love best and produce creative content. My industry passion is producing programmes on whatever platform, and this project was to promote the archives held at MACE into a DVD series. There are nine DVDs and each is based on a city in the Midlands.  As part of the LSM teaching team, I had multicultural Leicester which can be traced back almost 2,000 years – thankfully the archives only dated back to the 1920s! Continue reading

Scott Farrow, class of 2010

“Create yourself an online presence! It’s cheap to buy yourself a domain and set yourself up with a personal website/portfolio. If an employer can look in one place for everything about you, your work and your contact details they won’t have to spend time looking at your CV……”

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School News

WWF websiteDan Frodsham created a heritage documentary called ‘The Forty’ which charts the painstaking work of conserving an exquisite Renaissance fresco in Famagusta, Cyprus. The conservation project was filmed last summer by Dan, and post-produced at Lincoln School of Media by students and recent graduates, Warren Hayward, James Martin, Gideon Marriott and Leanne Bacon.

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Meet the Freelancers – a personal view

Follow JordanI did wonder why LSM graduate Jordan Livermore left his first job in 3D film, to launch himself as a runner. I‘m beginning to understand now, having gone along to “Meet the Freelancers”, an event suggested and organised by Jordan, hosted by the LSM.

Jordan’s idea was to pass on the wisdom and experiences of fellow freelancers Nick Cramp, James Gurden, Jude Winstanley and Andy Devonshire, as well as to give his own take on the business. Together they did just that. Jordan started with this:

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New internships at Channel 4

From Martyn Thayne:

I have just come across some great intern and training opportunities that Channel 4 are running:

Production Trainee Programme

Production Training Talk

Continuity Internship

LSM to deliver BFI Film Academy

From Sarah Barrow:

Lincoln School of Media is proud to have been successful with its bid – submitted jointly with CfBT to become one of 24 Regional Partners selected to deliver a BFI Film Academy for 16-19 year olds between Jan-March 2013.

This is a fantastic achievement and recognition of our growing reputation, our commitment to giving young people the best opportunities in film production, and of our established work with schools and colleges.

Thanks and well done to Senior Lecturer Brian Hall who worked so hard on the bid and to all who supported and/or will soon be involved! There will be opportunities for LSM students to work as crew to support the Academy between Jan and March 2013 – application details to come.

The scheme is funded by the Govt’s Dept of Education.

Jordan hosts “Meet the Freelancers”

LSM graduate Jordan Livermore presents “MEET THE FREELANCERS”, on Tuesday 11 Dec at 2pm in the Cargill Lecture Theatre.

Jordan has always been keen to put students in the picture about working as a freelancer ever since he began working a a runner in London, so he has organised this event to help current LSM students. They will be able to meet an array of freelancers working in UK TV today and ask them questions about how they got work and how they keep it.

Guest list: Continue reading

Martyn’s thesis has been published

Martyn Thayne (class of 2008 / 2010) is pleased to announce that a revised version of his MA thesis, On Participation: A Critical New Media Analysis, has recently been published and is available here.

Here’s a quick overview: Continue reading