LSM Special Event

Monday 23 January 2012, 6-7.30pm [with refreshments from 5.30pm]

Visiting Professor in Television Alex Graham (Wall to Wall Productions) “THE OTHER 99% – DEMYSTIFYING CREATIVITY”

Co-op lecture theatre, Main Admin Building ALL WELCOME

Wall to Wall CEO Alex Graham has been a leading figure in UK independent television production sector for almost 30 years.

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LSM 2011 highlights

It’s been quite a year back on the Brayford:

Andrew Elliott organised a conference, Rethinking Epic, at Lincoln in July, with a line-up that included renowned international scholars in film history (Jeffrey Richards, Robert Burgoyne).

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Lincolnshire Air Show 2011 showcase

From Sarah Barrow:

You are warmly invited to a showcase event of Media ‘work-in-progress’ created in response to the Lincolnshire Air Show 2011 to which LSM students were invited, by RAF Waddington, ‘as press’. Monday 12 Dec, ground floor MHT Continue reading

Script writing news

From Marcella Forster, some current opportunities for scriptwriters to write for BBC Television programmes, posted on the National Association of Writers in Education website.
Check out the links carefully – all these schemes have strict entry conditions.

BBC Talent Award for recent graduates: Are you the next Debbie Horsfield or Paul Abbott? BBC North Developing Talent in partnership with BBC writersroom is delighted to announce this development opportunity for student / recent graduate drama writers.

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Michael’s new film

Michael Henry has told us he has completed post-production on his third feature film.

“I Work” will be screened in the Cargill Lecture Theatre, 7.30pm on 9 December.

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LSM graduates’ film praised by Hillary Clinton


 “Hear Our Voices”,  a film made by Lincoln Media Production graduates and shown at the first meeting of the new Global Counter-terrorism Forum in New York has won praise from US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Produced by Tom Mallion and directed by Khurrum Mahmood, the film was commissioned by the Global Survivors Network to tell the stories of survivors of terrorist attacks around the world.

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M.A. Digital Imaging Degree Show

LSM graduates are invited to the the Degree Show for MA Digital Imaging and Photography (Lincoln School of Media). 20th to 26th of September, Ground Floor Gallery, Architecture Building, Brayford Campus.

Gigalinc – Immersive Photography from Sam Cox on Vimeo.

Some familiar faces.

LSM students help young film makers

Last Friday afternoon a short film made by young people from all over Lincolnshire, trained by School of Media students, was premiered at the Lincoln Odeon.

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We’re on holiday!

Skegness on a bad day?

The LSM alumni network team office will be closed from August 3 until August 19. But please do send in your stories as usual to lismalumni@googlemail, and they will be posted as soon as we get back.

Tom Ska’s University promo

Tom Ridgewell (AKA Ska) has made a video promoting the University. Comments welcome!

All  posts about Tom