Welcome to the Brayford babies

Brayford Babies 2011

From the University portal:

Five cygnets hatched outside the Main Admin Building this morning:

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Top Gear on campus

Jeremy C and co were spotted on campus on May 12th, apparently shooting a report on electric cars. Inevitably they drew a crowd, and our intrepid reporter Chris Hainstock seized the moment:

Full story from The Linc

Degree show 2011

All graduates are warmly invited to the School of Media degree show on Friday 27 May 2011, a day of celebration of our final year students’ work in film, radio, design, digital, screenwriting, photography and multi-camera work.

Trailer produced by George Precious, Rob Egan helped by Harry Corden – Logo Animation by Josh Sharp. MUSIC kindly supplied by Deep East Music Continue reading


Hannah Cook

LSM student Hannah Cook has just completed a six-week work placement in London with The Bureau Film Company working on “The Comedian”, a feature film debut by writer/director Tom Shkolnik starring Edward Hogg.

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LSM student earns big money on YouTube

Tom Ridgewell, AKA TomSka, is quoted on the BBC Newsbeat website as making between £3,500 and £7,000 a month on YouTube. Could he be our first alumnus donor next year? Check out the story and Tom’s top tips for success.

LSM & LSAD students visit LA

Serious study

Students across all levels from BA(Hons) Animation and BA (Hons) Media Production united last month to attend a 6 day tour visiting the US movie town of Los Angeles.

Check out the photos on the LSAD school blog.

Trevor Dann opens new sound theatre

Visit Trevor Dann's Blog

Our new visiting professor Trevor Dann was on campus yesterday at the School of Media to give his inaugural lecture and also to formally open the Lincoln Sound Theatre.
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Students praised for tourism film

A short promo film produced by School of Media students has had its premiere screening as part of a county-wide conference to promote and discuss Lincolnshire tourism and culture.

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Urban Apaches ride back into town

From Chris Hainstock:

Author Giles Kristian visited the School of Media last Monday to see a short film made by graduates Philip Stevens, Jake Tomlinson, Stewart MacGregor and the rest of Urban Apache (their production Co. set up after leaving Lincoln.)

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Katie Harris – work experience at ITV

Katie Harris

My work experience did not just happen; I was very lucky but I worked really hard searching for it.

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