Alex Holland & Stuart Almond in Lincoln



Alex Holland (class of 2009) came back to Lincoln recently to appear at the LPAC as a stand up comedian – something he has been doing since he was at school.

He also agreed to do an interview for us, and his Futurewheel comedy collaborator Stuart Almond came along too.


First, Stuart, what have you been up to lately?

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Tom Marshall – News

Tom Marshall

Tom Marshall

Tom has just told us about a show he is in this week:

“Gasleak Theatre Company are performing ‘The Vicar of Dibley’ live at Melton Theatre, March 3-6th 2010.”

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Alex Holland, class of 2009

Alex Holland

Alex Holland

LSM graduate Alex Holland returns to Lincoln as a stand-up comedian, in the Big Comedy Mash, at the LPAC on Friday March 5th.

To appreciate his own brand of humour, try one of his video sketches:

The Toy – watch more funny videos

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Dani Moseley – latest news!

Impact Universal
Been MEGA busy, what with the job, drama school and now setting up my events company and getting funding and doing proposals and research for projects.
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Dani Moseley, class of 2007

dani_2_150wDani’s Story

‘Networking is the Key’ without a doubt. Though skill is a part of it, who you know and who likes you is an even bigger part. Getting your foot in the door can be difficult, so don’t leave work experience until after you finish university. Apply in the summer holidays.

Here I am in Epidode 7 of “The Bill”

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