From Jon Rowlands, Programme Co-ordinator in the Department of Media, Art & Design at Lincoln College: I am still trying to plug gaps in the timetable for January and am looking for new hourly lecturers to join us.
Ideally, some experience handling a class or group of people is desirable, even if it’s limited (e.g. taster days) and a good technical knowledge of camera equipment (specifically DSLRs) and editing (ideally Final Cut, but as we know, the editing craft is more important than the make of scissors they use!). After Effects would be a huge plus, as I have a HND ready to get cracking on that after Xmas. Basically any strong, professional candidates who have completed the BA (in Media Production) would be warmly considered.
These hours will be alongside our existing Hourly Part-time Lecturers in the short-term. So
please feel free to contact me if you’d like to discuss this paid opportunity. Email: