… for the very first Library Student Advisers.

Here’s an invitation from Dan Derricott. The Library wants to hear student opinion on how it should develop and is looking for a group of 20 committed and knowledgeable students to form its Student Advisory Panel which will meet twice between now and the end of the year – with food & drink provided. There will also be opportunities to get involved in specific projects throughout the year if you have the time, all of which will help The Library to improve and will look great on your CV, and some which may come with a thank you gift for your time! If you are interested in getting involved all you need to do is email with answers to the following two questions:
- What one thing would you change about The Library, why and how? (Max 200 words)
- What one thing is The Library great at and how should it build on that? (Max 200 words)
We are looking for creative minds, which can help us develop solutions that students will like, so be bold in your answers and push some boundaries! Please send your answers in an email to dderricott@lincoln.ac.uk by noon on Monday the 18th February 2013.