TODAY: Postgraduate Event and Guest Lecture on Brayford campus

The Graduate School_JBYou can see and discuss the range of Postgraduate courses in the School of Media and School of Journalism today from 5pm in the Emmtec Foyer.  If you can’t make it today, 11th March 2013, you can find out about scholarships and details on PG study from Claire Mann.  Email Continue reading

Postgraduate Student Conference 2013

Graduate-SchoolFrom Catherine Hughes at the Graduate School:  We will be hosting the 7th Annual Postgraduate Student Conference on 18th April 2013 at Riseholme Park Conference Centre in Lincoln.

Postgraduate refers to all PG students, including Masters Taught and Research as well as Professional Doctorates and PhDs. All staff including professional and support staff are welcome, as are undergraduate students.  See here for conference details and to book your place.


First year Alex Faulkner works with Aperture Films

Aperture Films asked me if I was able to go and work with them in New Mexico as follow up work to a previous project I worked on with them in December 2011 in Los Angeles, California.  Obviously, when they asked me, my immediate response was yes!  I was eager and excited, but I was also a little anxious, as it would be only the second time I’d flown alone.  I made my flights and travel arrangements around 3 weeks before the actual day of travel, which is cutting it fine, but made the whole experience even more exciting!  On Friday 8th February I travelled to Heathrow airport in London in readiness to fly to Dallas, Texas, to meet up with the crew from Aperture Films. We would then travel together to Roswell, and then to Carlsbad, New Mexico to work on the set for a film they’re about to start filming for the US National Park Service.

This is me as PA and BTS working with Aperture Films

This is me as PA and BTS working with Aperture Films

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Ellen Jackson Class of 2011

EJ-with-camera-199x300I graduated in Media Production and almost immediately walked into an internship with a leading London-based production company. I must have made an impression because that resulted in being commissioned to do freelance backstage footage editing for The X-Factor, Britain’s Got Talent and The Apprentice. Much of this video production work was delivered in London.  Since then I’ve put my knowledge and experience into providing a value for money videography service to businesses and private individuals alike – with my work now ranging from weddings through to single camera corporate videos.

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Charlotte Bateman Class of 2012

Charlotte BatemanIt feels like a lifetime since I graduated from the University of Lincoln, and in actual fact it has only been 6 months. The good side, is that I have been in employment in my chosen media sector for 8 months, and I have the university to thank for shaping my knowledge of the industry and driving me to achieve my goals.

I came out of university with a 1st Class Honours degree, an academic prize and as Student Speaker for my class.  This was a huge honour, and it really felt like all my hard work had paid off.  However, I never found out my final grade until after I became employed. This proved that to me that the weight of a degree will get you so far on paper, but the skills and the experience, and how much you get out of the things that are on offer to you at university, get you the job and drive you to keep going, to reach out and seek what you want.  And it is that drive that allowed me to gain my 1st and to walk into my first television interview with the confidence to talk about who I wanted to become and how I was determined to get here. Continue reading

Sound Masterclass with LSM’s Grant Bridgeman

Grant-Bridgeman_2The BFI Academy Course, run by LSM in conjunction with CfBT Education Services, is offering 16-19 year olds the opportunity to learn about film making from high quality tutors and professionals who work in the industry.

Like the Sound Masterclass, which is being delivered by Grant Bridgeman who works professionally in the film and television industry – both as a location sound recordist and in post production (sound design / dubbing) – and he’s also a part-time lecturer in the LSM. Grant said he has “been recording and manipulating sound since 14, and been passionate about sound and music ever since”.

Grant said:  This Saturday’s Sound Masterclass will (in 90 minutes) try to put across the importance of sound in film and TV: how it can transform a scene (both for the good and the bad), render a location shoot worthless, and make you realise that without sound, cinematography is just a series of still photographs. There will be an introduction to equipment, basic techniques and recording levels, followed by a short practical to go record a short piece to camera with dialogue – the results / problems / lessons learnt will be discussed.

The mantra of the day is: “No one walked out of the cinema, whistling the wide shot”.
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Young Creative Chevrolet Competition

From Sarah Barrow:

Last year 3rd year Lincoln student Kenny van Mierlo came 1st in the UK and 2nd in Europe for the short film/video category of the Young Creative Chevrolet competition.

In order to help students enter the competition again this year, the organisers have contacted us to say that for the first time, they’re adding an extra dimension to YCC, with a programme of on-campus ‘in-discussions and talks’, giving students in registered universities the chance to listen and pose questions to media and industry experts in their discipline.

ChevrelotThey want these events to be dynamic and inspirational and ultimately rewarding.  They asked whether we might be interested in being the university in which to hold the video talk during the week commencing March 11th … of course we said yes!  The date and location will be confirfmed shortly.

So watch this space!  For this year’s competition, see the details here.


Free Photographic Workshop this Friday

UoL-Photo-Society_FreeWorkshopThe University of Lincoln Photographic Society is running a FREE WORKSHOP on making cyanotypes – and all are welcome on the Brayford Pool campus. To find out more about what a cyanotype is and how it can be achieved, take a look here.

Laura Scott from the Photographic Society said: “The workshop will be running in partnership with Young Potential as part of Student Volunteer Week on Friday 15th from 12-2pm in MB1020 and it is open to everybody so bring your friends along. It’ll be nice and relaxed with no previous skill required, just some fun experimenting with photographic processes!”

Trainee Scheme 2013 from Sara Putt Associates

Sara-Putt_banner2Are you working as a trainee in camera, sound, edit, production or art departments, with at least two professional on-screen credits and less than three years’ industry experience?  Then apply for this 6-month professional development and mentoring scheme from one of the UK’s agency for film and TV.   Hurry! The deadline is 28 February 2013 and interviews will be in March.

Thanks to Nicola Lees, who has featured on the LSM’s R&D lecture modules, for telling us about these opportunities.  Nicola is the Trainee Scheme Producer and is currently setting up the new career development scheme for those working on the technical/craft side of film and television at Sara Putt Associates. The agency ‘has been providing personal management and representation within feature films, TV drama, documentaries and entertainment for more than 20 years. Alongside the agency, based at Shepperton Studios, the Diary Service provides diary management and upcoming production intelligence for crew.’

Application is by application form and interview, with two industry references. Click here for more information and an application form.

Good luck and let us know how you get on. Continue reading

Call from University of Lincoln Library …

… for the very first Library Student Advisers.  

Library copy

Here’s an invitation from Dan Derricott.  The Library wants to hear student opinion on how it should develop and is looking for a group of 20 committed and knowledgeable students to form its Student Advisory Panel which will meet twice between now and the end of the year – with food & drink provided. There will also be opportunities to get involved in specific projects throughout the year if you have the time, all of which will help The Library to improve and will look great on your CV, and some which may come with a thank you gift for your time!   If you are interested in getting involved all you need to do is email with answers to the following two questions:

  1. What one thing would you change about The Library, why and how? (Max 200 words)
  2. What one thing is The Library great at and how should it build on that? (Max 200 words)

We are looking for creative minds, which can help us develop solutions that students will like, so be bold in your answers and push some boundaries!  Please send your answers in an email to by noon on Monday the 18th February 2013.
