History on Television book

Routledge, 2013

Routledge, 2013

This book is a good read if you’re interested in the process involved in the representation of history on television. It is a culmination of an AHRC-funded research project, called ‘Televising History 1995-2010’, by Professor of Cultural Studies Ann Gray and Senior Lecturer Dr Erin Bell.

Erin said their book “considers the representation of the past on television through factual programming.  Beginning with the question ‘why does history on TV look the way it does?’, and drawing on interviews with media professionals, historians, archivists and archaeologists, as well as undertaking analysis of a range of factual programming, from Who do you think you are? to Timewatch.   Continue reading

150 personal stories of how university changed lives


Cover: Trentham Books

This is Professor Mary Stuart’s book about the history of higher education in the UK.  The Vice Chancellor of the University of Lincoln used real-life personal experiences from those who were the first people in their family to go to University. Mary said “I have tried to illustrate how higher education can and does transform the life chances of individual people from the humblest of backgrounds.”

The book titled ‘Social Mobility and Higher Education: The life experiences of first generation entrants in higher education is a culmination of a research project.  It features autobiographical accounts from 150 people about how getting a degree changed their life chances.   Continue reading

Paid Internships with Penguin


If you fancy a ten week paid internship in Digital Sales, Editorial or Communications with Penguin publishing, this summer 2013, then click below for more details.  The deadline is 15 February.

Digital Sales Intern

Editorial Intern

Communications Intern

If you apply please let us know how you get on.  Good Luck!

Graduation Day

Cathedral interiorThe 23rd of January was the first graduation day of 2013 for the University of Lincoln.  As part of the LSM’s alumni team, I find it‘s a great opportunity to capture the event.  Although I have to admit that I have never attended the January ceremonies at Lincoln Cathedral, until now.  Today I was fortunate to see graduation from a different perspective – as a postgraduate student.  So, as I warm up now with a glass of mulled wine and raise it to all alumni, I thought I’d post a couple of photos taken by my nearest and dearest.


Taking centre stage was actor John Hurt CBE who received an Honorary Doctorate of Arts.  Perhaps you can spot the Head of the LSM Sarah Barrow, and how about anyone else pictured?

John Hurt


Film Financing Course for Filmmakers

First Light

Image from First Light

First Light is looking for either young filmmakers or teams of young people aged between 18 and 25 to take part in a 4 day residential course to help find funding for their films. You’ll get access to practical workshops, talks and screenings.

It has partnered with the Flatpack Festival and Creative Skillset to run a film financing course in March 2013. First Light said the course “taught by experienced filmmakers will provide all the tools needed to help get film projects off the ground.”  Continue reading

‘Midlands on Film’ by LSM and MACE

Midlands on Film DVD Collection It has been a fantastic experience to be part of a collaborative project between the LSM and MACE (Media Archive for Central England) because I could do what I love best and produce creative content. My industry passion is producing programmes on whatever platform, and this project was to promote the archives held at MACE into a DVD series. There are nine DVDs and each is based on a city in the Midlands.  As part of the LSM teaching team, I had multicultural Leicester which can be traced back almost 2,000 years – thankfully the archives only dated back to the 1920s! Continue reading

Meet the LSM Graduates

Meet the Graduates (MtG 2013), our networking event, was a good get together for students (and staff) to meet fifteen LSM’s alumni.  2012 graduate Katie Martin captured some of our alumni on the day and asked what they are doing?

Bird's eye view: Graduate Question Time

Bird’s eye view: Graduate Question Time

The Graduate Question Time was not rose tinted views, but honest realistic perspectives. Graduates talked frankly about their experiences in looking for work, pursuing their passions and reflecting on when they were students. They even agreed that tutors are humans with experience and lots to offer!  Trending was to use social media platforms, get business cards and set up your own blog now (students) to showcase your work. Other talking points … Continue reading

Michael Henry’s Latest Film – update

2009 graduate Michael Henry is an independent filmmaker and founder of Quandary Productions.  He says ‘we believe that there is nothing stopping you from making a film, only yourself. Write a story, get a camera, and shoot!” Michael practices what he preaches and his latest film ‘I WORK‘ will be released on 1st August on DVD and On Demand.

Continue reading

Log Rushes Voluntarily for a Channel 4 series

Multi-award winning Production Company Keo Films  is looking for loggers to work on a prime time series for Channel 4.  The two-week voluntary work, with expenses, is to transcribe rushes based in Scunthorpe during August.  Continue reading

Lincolnshire Festival need Volunteers

Volunteers are needed for Wolds Words – Lincolnshire Festival of Reading, Writing and Performance.  Mike Mason said this is great to put on your CV! Also travel and lunch are provided!

‘The festival, based in Louth, will feature across the area in a range of venues in the surrounding market towns of Alford, Horncastle and Spilsby. It merges world class artists and performances alongside a more local community based programme.’

Volunteers Needed

Events Assistants – Advising the public of the events taking place,
helping to set up stalls, workshops, events.

Wolds Words Information Office – To assist at the information office
in the run up to the festival and on the festival itself. Helping to
promote the festival to the local community.

Evaluate Assistants – To record feedback from the festivalgoer’s ,
possibly with the use of a recording device

 TO DISPLAY YOUR WORK Continue reading