Video Update | Lincoln School of Media’s HEADSPACE

Headspace_LSM2014 This is a video update on ‘Headspace‘, the Lincoln School of Media’s radio and audio social networking event.  It was successfully organised by Senior Lecturer Zara Healy back in April. The idea was connecting like-minded people on-campus. The networking was between LSM students and industry professionals – some our alumni – from presenters to podcasters. Headspace achieved its aim by providing a great opportunity for 100 participants to chat about any aspect of careers and to build new contacts. This video was created courtesy of two LSM media production students Rory McCarney and Scott Williams at New Media Lincs Social Enterprise.

Class of 2012, Simon Ross | BBC Broadcast Assistant Career Update

Post from 2012 Audio Production Alumnus Simon Ross.

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Last time I wrote a post for the LSM blog I had pretty much just started life with the BBC. Almost 2 years down the line, I am now typing from a brand new studio desk at BBC Radio Lincolnshire at the end of what has been a very busy few months.

My regular duties are working as a Broadcast Assistant at weekends, covering the on-air broadcast of programmes on both Saturday and Sunday mornings. I will also find myself covering other programmes during the week, including Mid Morning, Afternoon and Drivetime. So what has changed? Continue reading

LSM Showcase | Final Day | MHT Building | University of Lincoln

Bradley-Hart_LSMStudentLSM’s student Bradley Hart’s captured images, so far, of LSM Showcase and you can find his photos on Flickr here.  Today’s schedule at the LSM Showcase 2014 is from 12-noon to 5pm. The organisers of Lincoln School of Media’s end of year degree show said:  

It is your last chance to come down and see what amazing projects have been created by the LSM Class of 2014! A display of some of the most cutting edge and forward thinking work you can imagine. Feel free to come along at any point. LSM Showcase | @LSMShowcase | FB |








The public can enjoy a range of artwork, multi-media production and live performance across the College of Arts, which has a two-month exhibition programme to celebrate the work of final year students. More at the College of Arts Degree Show site.

LSM Showcase | Visual Programme | MHT | University of Lincoln UK

LSMShowcase_LOGO_croppedWhat’s on at the Lincoln School of Media’s degree show called LSM Showcase? See this visual programme, which will help you to find final year students’ work in the MHT Building on the Brayford Pool campus at the University of Lincoln.  The video was created by LSM students Emily Cowlishaw, Catherine Chibnall, with thanks to Alex O’Brien and Rachel Dodds and music by students in Audio Production and Media Production.

LSM-Showcse_Thur29May_9pmTHIS evening the LSM Showcase is still going strong, ahead of another day tomorrow, and you’re invited to network in the EMMTEC Lecture Theatre. Then from 9pm the organisers would like you to join in the celebrations at L4 Bar (just across the Brayford, on Guildhall Street) ‘for some drinks, music and merriment until late into the night!’   Follow @LSMShowcase | On FaceBook    Continue reading

LSM Showcase | Day One | In Pictures | University of Lincoln

These are some images captured today at the LSM Showcase by LSM student Bradley Hart. Thank you for sharing: Daniel Wright displaying his game on the Oculus Rift; Ryan Ashcroft with his photography work; Ambient lighting setting a tranquil theme in the sound & radio lab; and the super SoundSpiral that is kitted out with speakers to showcase radio and audio production work, which is unmissable outside the MHT Building!

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LSM Showcase is on all day tomorrow and Friday on-campus at the University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool.  Keep up-to-date (from screenings in the lecture theatres to photography exhibitions) and follow on Twitter @LSMShowcase and/or the Lincoln School of Media @LincolnMedia.   Continue reading

Update | LSM Showcase 2014 Teasers | MHT | University of Lincoln

LSM’s degree show organisers said: “Had great feedback from all the teaser tracks released … and some more fantastic tracks to show today.”  Have a listen! The first teasers for LSM Showcase are on soundcloud.

Keep updated and follow @LSMShowcase on Twitter. From 28th to 30th May come along to the MHT Building on the Brayford Pool campus where you’ll ‘see the latest display of new media practitioners ready to graduate, with some of the most cutting edge and forward thinking work you can imagine.’ We’re a multi-disciplinary school, meaning you’ll find work ranging from: SCRIPT | MULTICAM |  DIGITAL MEDIA | AUDIO | DOCUMENTARY | PHOTOGRAPHY | SINGLE CAM | RADIO | DESIGN  Continue reading

LSM Showcase | 28-30 May 2014 | MHT | University of Lincoln

Come along to the Lincoln School of Media’s end of year degree show. See the next generation of creatives’ work in the MHT building from noon on Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th May. The SoundSpiral will be unmissable! It is an audio interactive inflatable space.  A printed programme of all the events will be available from the degree show’s reception desk in the Atrium. 

The student team at LSM Showcase said: “Twenty years ago the Lincoln School of Media began the first Media Production degree in the UK. Today it’s still going strong producing some of the best talent in the country, and that’s what we want to celebrate. We’re inviting you to come to the LSM Showcase, a display of new media practitioners ready to graduate, with some of the most cutting edge and forward thinking work you can imagine.”

LSM Showcase’s Schedule  |  Follow @LSMShowcase  |  On FaceBook   |

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Attention LSM Students! MEDIA BOOT CAMP 27th-30th MAY 2014

Employability events and workshops just for LSM students & recent graduates. Media Boot Camp is organised by the University of Lincoln Careers and Employability team. The week will have industry guests … filmed interview critiques … creative thinking exercises … advice about networking … self-employment training …  MORE DETAILS HERE & BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW! 


BBC’s 1st OB recreated by LSM, Locals, a Violinist & Nightingale!

To celebrate the 90th anniversary of BBC radio, LSM Senior Lecturer in audio production David McSherry shares this sound story.

DylanRoys-and-JanetWelsh_18may2014-at-18.34.1490 years ago today on the 19th May, the BBC transmitted its very first outside broadcast and the stars of the show were cellist Beatrice Harrison accompanied by a very tuneful nightingale. To celebrate the anniversary, Senior Lecturer in radio and sound Dylan Roys and I accepted the challenge from Reverend Mark Holden (Wragby parishes) to recreate the historic event in Lincolnshire. 

Violinist Janet Welsh kindly agreed to join us in this quest and we headed off to Whisby Nature Reserve to recruit a willing nightingale to our band. As dusk fell, Graham, our expert guide and one of Whisby’s wardens, attuned our ears to the song of the nightingale amongst the many other voices of blackcap, whitethroat and robin.  LISTEN to ‘The Violin and The Nightingale’ hereContinue reading

Meet the Graduates 2014 | What’s the Value of Work Experience?

Meet_the_Graduates_150wWhat’s the Value of Work Experience? This is the next clip in the Q&A series from Meet the Graduates 2014. The networking event between our students and graduates was part of Lincoln School of Media’s 20th anniversary at the University of Lincoln. Thanks to all alumni, students and staff who came to MtG 2014. 

Alumni Stuart Lutes (Class of 2001), Adam Verity (Class of 2002), Zoe Easey (Class of 2007), Phil Stevens (Class of 2010), Holly Smith (class of 2010) and Stephen Bernard (Class of 2013) were on ‘Graduate Question Time’. LSM’s student crew, via New Media Lincs, Year 2 Rory McCarney, Year 3 Kirsty Gibson and Kamil Rewers captured the popular Networking & Graduate Question Time.  In this piece, our former students share their experiences about where’s best to be based in the country for opportunities and the value in doing work experience.

Alumni Weekend | 13-15 June 2014 | University of Lincoln | Free for all graduates, family and their friends | See more details here |

See the MtG 2014 clip ‘Where Are Alumni Now?’ on a previous post.