Robin Sheppard, TV Drama Director | Film & TV Talk

Interested in TV drama, directing, scriptwriting or authorship? Then don’t miss a talk and Q&A session with television director Robin Sheppard.  The session will be based on her own experiences of working with writers in British TV Dramas from Jack Rosenthal (Lucky Jim, 2003) to Sally Wainwright (At Home With The Braithwaites, 2003). She said:

Robin-Sheppard_TVDramaTalk_25.02.15I will talk about the director’s relationship with the writer – the creative dialogue at the heart of British TV. Showing clips from my work to illustrate how this dialogue is realised on screen.

There’ll be lots to see and opportunities for asking questions.  ALL are welcome on Wednesday 25th February at 2pm in the University of Lincoln’s EMMTEC Lecture Theatre (MT0007).  See Robin’s impressive industry CV here.

Pop-up Exhibition 21 & 22 Feb | By Clementine Monro

Clem-MonroSenior Lecturer at Lincoln School of Film & Media Clementine Monro is having a Pop-up installation/ exhibition of her current work at Hackthorn Village Hall in Lincoln. Clem said:  It’s a POP UP exhibition, so only on for a very short time. This is keeping in tune with the title of the exhibition called Perpetual Transitions: A Communication Between Photography and Absence Within the Spatial Experience of the Ruin, which is the culmination of my MA by Practice-Based Research in Art. Photography, ruins and spatial experience are all passions of mine.  The ruin carries the notion of constant change – perpetual transitions. Here today and gone tomorrow! The exhibition opening is on Saturday 21st February at 6:30pm. Drinks and food will be available.  On Sunday 22nd the exhibit will run from 10am until 2pm.  Hope you can make it! Continue reading

Latin American Cinema Symposium | 21 Feb at EMMTEC, Lincoln (UK)

Organiser of this research event Sarah Barrow (School of Film & Media, University of Lincoln), with Clara Garavelli (School of Modern Languages, University of Leicester), invite you to a Symposium on Latin American Cinemas:

Head for the EMMTEC Building for the receptionMe, Myself, and Others: A Cinematic Approach to Latin American Encounters (Part 2) will be held at EMMTEC conference centre, Brayford Campus, University of Lincoln, Lincoln (UK) on 21st February 2015 between 10am & 7pm.  This day-long research event, sponsored by the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS), the University of Leicester and the University of Lincoln, brings together scholars who have been working on different projects on the theme of Otherness and Encounters in Latin American Cinema, with practitioners working within and outside the film industry. The day, a follow-up to a similar event held in Leicester in October 2014, will include panel presentations, a film viewing and a video-installation.

Registration fee: £15 (full day, includes all refreshments)  | Register now Screening only (4-6pm) is FREE entry and includes introduction and discussion with the director.

The registration deadline is Wednesday 18 February 2015. Symposium details:  Continue reading

Final year student Edward Buxton | Whovian winner’s story

Our final year media production student Edward Buxton shares one of his most memorable moments from last year.  He’s pictured with actor Samuel Anderson aka Danny Pink in BBC TV’s Doctor Who. No surprise then that Edward is a Whovian (er, to the uninitiated that is a fan of the science-fiction series) …


… On Monday 17th November 2014 I travelled down to London with my brother to a secret location to take part in the Series 8 DVD Launch hosted by Frank Skinner. The DVD launch was advertised via Doctor Who’s official Facebook page, which gave you the chance to enter a competition to win a pair of tickets to attend the DVD launch.  I entered the competition not really thinking much more about it due to the fact that I don’t usually win competitions. However on Wednesday 5th November 2014, I checked the emails on my phone after a long day, discovering to my delight that I had won a pair of tickets to the Doctor Who Series 8 DVD Launch. But to my surprise, BBC Worldwide who sent the email asked me and anyone else who won tickets to keep the event’s location a secret. Continue reading

Andrew McNeil, Year 3 FTV Student | Work on ‘Adrift in Soho’

AndrewMcNeil_3rdyear_crop_Dec2014I’ve returned to Uni (Lincoln School of Film & Media) after working as Assistant Art Director for a few days on a feature film called ‘Adrift in Soho’ (2015), which was being shot in Nottingham. It’s an adaptation of a Colin Wilson novel of the same name. It follows the life of a young writer, Harry Preston, who after being discharged from the RAF, moves to London in search of adventure. He fancies himself as a writer and so moves towards Soho, an area known for its creativity and finds himself involved with the many creatives of the Beat Generation. The screenplay was adapted and written by a very interesting and eccentric Uruguayan, named Pablo Behrens – who also directed the film. A very warm and capable Dane, named Martin Koblyarz, shot the film and the films art direction and production design came from a very captivating and adept Englishman, named Steven Blundell – whom I was understudy to.

I’ll tell you how I came to find myself as an Asst. Art Director at the age of twenty on a feature.
Adrift-in-Soho(2015)_BurningFilms Continue reading

Chris Bingham, Class of 2011 | Vlogger on Uni lectures at NCH

ChristopherBingham_NCHvideoOur 2011 graduate Christopher Bingham, known as Bing, is a YouTube vlogger and comedian who was commissioned by New College of the Humanities (NCH) to produce an alternative view about University lectures. He said: As anyone who’s been working with YouTube for a while knows, operating on the channel prolifically involves getting a lot of offers from brands, but in this case I was able to really get behind the product.  I’m very passionate about learning, not just through higher education, but throughout every stage of life. I had a lot of fun working with NCH on producing a script that I know my audience will enjoy, but also that will help them to think about the merits of higher education.

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Darren Scales, Class of 2008 | The Drift by Backyard Productions

Darren-Scales_2008GradCongrats to indie filmmaker, 2008 grad and LSFM part-time lecturer, Darren Scales at Backyard Productions. After three years in the making … with a budget of £5,000 … the support of hundreds of volunteers … the premier of The Drift (2014) science-fiction feature film was on Saturday at the University of Lincoln. Reviews are coming in from Midlands Movies to ITV News.

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Student-mentee Bryony Hooper | Paid work with Industry Mentor

I was slightly late. On my first ever paid gig I was slightly late. The first Assistant Director (who also happens to be my mentor) called me to ask where I was. I arrived a couple of minutes before 8:30am when I was meant to be on set by 8:15am. I was upset at the fact I had just broken rule 1 of ‘never be late’ and slightly nervous as I hadn’t met any of the crew before apart from Jonathan Sidwell (my industry mentor) and slightly out of breath as I had basically just ran from Baker Street tube station to Marylebone. But the crew could not have been nicer. Nobody said anything about my lateness and Jonathan immediately introduced me to everyone there and got me straight to work. Making coffee.   BryonyHooper_workexperience_1

This is what I had expected the day to be. Running around fetching this, that and the other, maybe looking after a few divas, picking out all the green M&M’s. But apart from the first few jobs of make coffee, help this guy, help that guy, go find somewhere to get lunch from (where I had to ring my dad to Google maps of the area), I was stood around watching and learning most of the day. Which was amazing. I feel like I helped quite a bit and got to do an important job of audio playback and clapperboard. I also got to sit behind the director and watch his every move. I also feel like I impressed the crew quite a bit, I asked when I didn’t understand something. Then when I got asked to go on the set as a stand in, I asked if I should take my shoes off Continue reading

Doctor Who: Anatomy of a Hit | RTS event by student Bryony Hooper

Doctor doctor-who-anatomy-hit

Image from RTS webpage:

It was Friday night and I got a direct message on Twitter, I heard the notification on my phone but I ignored it as it was raining and I was on my way home. Once I had got in I looked at my phone and it turned out I had won a pair of tickets to Doctor Who: Anatomy of a Hit in London (for 11 Nov)! I do admit I had a fan girl moment. I had only entered on the off chance and I had actually won. Now to spend more money – buying train tickets.  It was Tuesday, the day had finally arrived. I got my train down to London, met my Dad (who I had given the other ticket to) and we were off. WE walk past The Guardian building, which felt like an honour in itself somehow, and arrived at 90 York Way. We walked in and there was a queue to go downstairs so we waited, for what felt like forever. Then finally a woman gave the signal and we went down. For some reason everyone who I thought was there for business got up and followed us down, mainly middle aged men, I only saw 2 people that were dressed head to toe in Doctor Who gear who I would class as hard core whovians, weird.  As we were registering 2 people came round dressed as monsters from the show. I got some brilliant pictures of them!

Then finally we were allowed in. The scene was brilliant; a weeping angel and a dalek were on stage. I got a seat, 5 rows from the front right in the middle. Then Moffat came on and my life was complete. Continue reading

Ayodele Ogunshakin, Year 3 Student | work experience update

Ayodele_pic1After working as a floor manager for BBC Radio Lincolnshire’s Lip Dub event, I was fortunate enough to meet the event’s producer, Rosemary Richards. It’s over a year later and after reaching out and asking whether Rosemary was working on any new projects I found myself working with Rosa Productions for this year’s Gravity Fields Festival (was 24-28 Sept 2014).

It’s a Grantham based festival combining science, arts and heritage events. As a result there were many organisations and businesses involved in the festival and within the community there was a sense of excitement as to what this year’s plans would bring.  As Rosa Productions deals with events, it has been extremely interesting to see just how much work goes into producing a community event. I spent the week working in the office, which involved completing general office tasks but also venturing into town to liaise with the venue organisers and even assisting in a large silk painting for display on one of the heritage walks. Continue reading